Smokeless Zones

Brighton Smoke Controlled Areas

Under the Clean Air Act 1993, the Local authority has statutory powers to control smoke from domestic and industrial sources. The legislation allows Authorities to create Smoke Control Areas (SCA's) which place restriction on domestic fuel combustion.

The original Clean Air Act 1956 was set up to tackle the then Pea Souper smog problems which had very detrimental heath effects on those living in urban areas. Thankfully, the days of such smogs are long behind us, however the SCA remains in place to minimise the contribution from domestic and industrial sources to ambient air pollution concentrations. There are a number of streets in the City of Brighton & Hove [MSWord 460kb] that are covered by smoke controlled areas, within which there are restrictions on the types of fuels which can be used. The map shows five coloured zones which make up the total Brighton & Hove smoke control area. The zones only represent the individual order under which each area was declared. The same restrictions apply to all.



Chimney Sweeping

Pots & Cowls

Wood Burners





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